I went looking and God let me find

Today, I was missing the Middle East and wanted to go and meet people from the Arab World. Many Muslims from the Arabian Peninsula visit where we live during the summer, and I went to a well-known mall today to see if any of them had started to arrive.

It ended up being a bit too early and I literally did not see any Arabs (and listening carefully heard no Arabic being spoken). I thought I had "struck out" but then had one last coffee shop in mind that I would pass by on my way home.

And God let me find there what I was looking for! Standing behind me was a man that I knew was Middle Eastern. When I asked where he was from, he was from the country I had been living in for the last 13 years before we moved back to America.

It was like I had run into an old friend. I sat with he and his wife for more than 30 minutes as we talked about many things. I got to pray for my new friend as he had some back pain. We exchanged numbers and will meet again soon.

Before I left I went back to talk to one of the employees as I had gotten a word of knowledge for this woman when I had ordered my coffee. She had Scoliosis and was very receptive to what I shared with her. I gave her my wife's number and assured her that if she contacted her and allowed her to pray for her over the phone, that God would heal her of her condition. 

And then I got to share all of that with my new Muslim friends as we were leaving. And to my joy, the wife said that she had lots of pain in her feet and also wanted prayer. So when we meet them, my wife and I, in the next week for so, she will get prayer in Jesus' Name for her own healing.

God's Kingdom was coming when I was in the Middle East and now that I am back in the U.S., it is continuing to come to Middle Easterners as I had asked the Lord when I went out today to find "lost treasure".

For such a time as this...
