Evangelicals for Harris ARE NOT EVANGELICALS!! (nor were Evangelicals for Biden)

Several years ago, I was horrified to discover that a man I had known personally and respected was a co-founder of the group known as "Evangelicals for Biden". He was undoubtedly more motivated by his Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) than he was by actively supporting the unChristian platform of Biden/Harris at that time. 


And today, a new generation of so-called "Evangelicals", who are no longer really Evangelical Christians, but rather are "Progressive Christians" who are somehow still using the term Evangelical.


The speakers Evangelicals for Harris have are steeped in Marxist ideology which is incompatible with Christianity. They are advocate for offsprings of Marxism such as Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality and radical LGBTQ+ ideas - such as surgically mutilating the bodies of boys and girls surgically without the knowledge and/or consent of their parents!


They will claim to be pro-Life and against abortion while they are "for Harris" which means they are supporting the most radical pro-murder candidates for president and vice-president in the history of America. Harris/Walz support the killing of babies up till birth and even after they are born. You cannot be a Christian and support those who advocate murder. 


Additionally, in the name of "being loving", these speakers will all support open borders and are seemingly blind to the myriads of other problems that such ideas about immigration create - violent crime, drugs, child sex trafficking, unemployment, and the impossibility of paying for the needs of these millions of illegal aliens. In self-righteousness, they would ask us, "What would Jesus do?" In short, Jesus would NOT support a wide-open border that creates all of the aforementioned problems. They selectively take some of Jesus' teaching while entirely neglecting other clear aspects - like righteous, justice, repentance, holiness, etc. 


For the most part, what will attract people to such a group, that is so thoroughly non-Christian is their opposition to Trump. They like millions of others have been deceived into thinking that he is akin to Hitler. The man who got America out of wars and had the Middle East on the verge a much broader peace plan. The man who got the Supreme Court to a place where it overturned Roe v. Wade which has now resulted in stopping many abortions that would have otherwise happened. Hitler was genocidal, warmongering and a eugenicist. Ironically, being like Hitler far better describes the policies of Kamala Harris. Biden/Harris have gotten the United States involved again in foreign wars (Middle East and Ukraine) which have resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims. 


The Christian thing to do is to do whatever you can to STOP what Kamala Harris represents and stands for. And that doesn't mean not voting! Even with all the proven fraud in the 2020 election, had Evangelicals like John Piper encouraged those under their influence to vote, we would not be in the dire situation we now find ourselves as a nation and across the earth. 


Do NOT be deceived by the rhetoric of these so-called Evangelicals. Ironically, in the name of "love your enemies" they actually hate those who disagree with them. Do exactly what Jesus would do in response to the evil that Harris/Walz openly support - vote AGAINST them. That is the loving thing to do - it is the righteous thing to do - it is the just thing to do. 


For such a time as this...

