
Showing posts from April 5, 2009

is healing in the atonement?

For some this may be a bit of technical theological question, but it has been a question that has divided many Christians. No Christian disputes the fact that Jesus' atoning work provided for the forgiveness of sin for all who put their faith in Him, but did his suffering (his whippings, beatings and death) also provide for our physical healing? On a day when Jesus healed ALL who were sick, and cast out demons with a word (Matt. 8:16), Matthew quotes Isaiah 53 to explain what happened on that day - "He (Jesus) Himself took our infirmities AND bore our sicknesses". This passage has been neglected and others have attempted to explain it away limiting its fulfillment and application only for those healed on that particular day. However, the Isaiah 53 passage cannot be applied partially when it comes to the physical healing aspects and then applied generally when it comes to the forgiveness of sins. This is poor Biblical hermeneutics. The bottom line remains the same - t...