
Showing posts from April 19, 2020

FEAR Extinguishers - the stories continue...!

There are simply too many stories now to document.  I tried to keep up but I've lost count of the dozens and dozens of people we have been able to encourage, to pray for, to share about Jesus with. Every man I have taken out with me has seen God at work, has seen the gratitude being expressed by people.  We have ministered to many non-Christians, and there has been absolutely no resistance.  Even this morning, a Lebanese Muslim woman was so encouraged when I prayed with her in Arabic. I met an American policewoman who also was from an Arabic background, and got to pray with her in Arabic.  Yesterday, I got to pray for many Persian Muslims.  So open, so receptive.  I got to pray that God would visit them in dreams and visions. Two young Moroccan-American Muslim women were very open to me praying for them and who wanted to meet my wife for further ministry. I think the thing I am struggling with the most is how many Christians who are completely missing the g...

FEAR Extinguishing - Why isn't every pastor in America doing this?

I went out with a close friend to walk and to be "FEAR Extinguishers" - we chose a local area where there would be people and businesses/restaurants/shops open.  And just like it was in the Middle East ("just like" might be an understatement as you will see below), we were able to openly minister to I estimate a couple of dozen people in a couple of hours.  People were incredibly receptive.  This particular city is known as being somewhat hostile to Christianity, but I can honestly say, we saw NONE of that. We prayed for individuals mostly but in a couple of cases, it was up to 3 or 4 people.  One woman, a security guard, began to tear up, nearly crying as we prayed for her and her husband. One restaurant employee who was taking my order named "Jesus", let me pray for his entire family where everyone who had had jobs was no longer working.  Another manager at a large restaurant that miraculously had not let go of a single one of their 85 employees, ...