
Showing posts from May 25, 2008

A night of healing on the streets

I went out with some friends tonight with the intention of praying for the sick. We met up at a kiosk near the water where I immediately got a word of knowledge for a wrist. I felt a slight ache in my wrist, so I knew it was the Lord indicating to me that He wanted to heal someone with a wrist pain. We walked over to the counter at the kiosk and asked the people who worked there if any of them had a wrist problem. They didn’t. We left there and started walking along the waters edge. A Sri Lankan man came near to us on our walk, so I asked him if he had a wrist problem. He didn’t either, but he did have pain in his stomach. The man did not speak any English, but thankfully one of my friends spoke a language that was very similar to the Sri Lankan man. He was able to find out about the man’s stomach condition, and he allowed us to pray. We prayed, and Jesus showed up by completely healing the man’s stomach! Praise God! He was thrilled, as were we. From there we approached a few other pe...

walking the talk - doing the stuff in a coffee shop

After our evening meeting, where we had just seen a number of healings and people having visions, I went out with the pastor to a coffee shop. One of the main points I am emphasizing in all my teaching and preaching is that God wants to do more outside the Church than we are seeing inside it. As I walked up to the counter to order my drink, the Lord gave me a word of knowledge for the coffee shop employee. The word was accurate and I was able to simply lay my hands on him across the counter and release the Kingdom. He said the pain was almost gone after I prayed. It's one thing to tell people "get out and do this stuff"! I then must get out and keep "walking the talk".

released into visions

Acts 2:17 tells us that in the "last days...your young men SEE VISIONS". This is part of our inheritance as New Testament believers. In a service over this past weekend, I asked anybody that wants to be released into seeing visions to come forward. I asked 3 sisters who regularly receive prophetic revelation and see visions to help me. We then asked the Holy Spirit to come and for a "spirit of wisdom and REVELATION" (Eph 1:17) to come. I asked them all to close their eyes and to see what the Lord would do. We began to lay hands on them and pray. What happened? Children and adults began to receive/see their first visions. At the end, we asked people then share what they saw - it was amazing the kinds of things that the Lord showed people IN THEIR FIRST visions!! Not everyone who came had a vision, but probably about 15 people did.

Subway, Jesus' Way!

My wife and I went to Subway for lunch. After we ordered and as we were paying, I got a word of knowledge for the guy's left shoulder. I asked him about it and he confirmed that he had pain there. I asked if he wanted to get rid of it. He thought I meant a massage, but I told him that it would only take a minute. He looked at me incredulously. I told him that I would ask God and He would heal him. I prayed for his shoulder and the pain went instantly. He then asked me if I could pray for some pain in his back. After praying THREE times for the back, he said that it was 100%. I explained to him that we were Christians and that it says in our Book that we're supposed to heal the sick. He told us he wanted us to come back soon. Fresh is always good-- subs and testimonies!

chronic foot pain healed

In a home group meeting, a woman asked for prayer with chronic foot pain and numbness in her toes. Desert Princess and I prayed over them several times and God brought healing to our sister for the 1st time since she had moved to the muslim country she was living in. This woman, after she was healed, then went and prayed for another brother with foot pain and he said it became "much better". Everyone who is healed, will be given authority to heal the same conditions - if they want it!

healings through the laying on of hands

There are many ways that God can and does heal (in spite of the many misunderstandings and wrong teachings in the Body of Christ concerning the ways God heals, and/or His willingness to do so). At the end of the services we minister in, we always offer to lay hands on the sick. Over the weekend, we saw a number of healings that were more in the sovereign realm, i.e. God reveals a condition through a word of knowledge and heals the person without the laying on of hands. However, we have also been commanded to, "Heal the sick"(Matthew 10). Many were healed as Desert Princess and I prayed for different conditions - a baby with a fever was healed. I released "heavenly antibiotics" through prayer into the child's body and the next night the mother came to microphone to testify to her baby's healing! We saw back pain healed (I blogged about the hindu man, but there were others too). Stomach conditions were healed, an ankle condition was healed - which people ...

one woman wants healing, another doesn't

Several days ago, my son and I were leaving the supermarket and the Lord spoke to me by a word of knowledge that the woman checking us out had a throat problem. I asked her about it and she had one. I didn't lay hands on her or even really pray overtly - I just said, "Jesus is going to heal your throat problem". She was thankful. Then we left. As we went down the stairs, another woman was limping towards us with a foot brace on her foot. She looked European (which tragically I often equate with skepticism and unbelief) and yet we approached her. She was from Europe. I asked her about the injury - she had fallen. I asked her if I could pray for God to heal it. She said, "no, I don't believe in that stuff". I asked again, "are you sure that you don't want the pain to leave". She said, "No". Funny how people want to live with their pain. Sad actually.

Jesus doesn't get B's

Desert Princess had gotten a word of knowledge for neck/throat pain. A couple of people ultimately responded to it and were healed. One guy way in the back of the church testified that the Lord had healed him partially. I went back to him and he said he was 80% healed. I turned to the Church and said, "Jesus doesn't get B's" (80% would be a B on a test - one of friends daughters' reminded us that is actually a B- ). I explained that I was convinced that if Jesus was truly involved in a healing, He would get A's. Sounds reasonable right? Anyway, we prayed again and sure enough - Jesus got the score we were expecting - the man said it was now "more than 100%". That's better than an A+!!!!

too many healings to remember

Over the weekend, we were asked to minister in two different Church services. As usual, we sought to demonstrate God's power through healing and prophetic ministry. Additionally, we activated people through the ministry of impartation (Rom. 1:11). Desert Princess was moving powerfully in her prophetic gifting - I remember in the first service she pointed to one woman and said, "I see that you are a teacher" - not knowing if it was an indication of her spiritual gifting or not, the people around her say, "yes, she is actually a teacher"! Prophetic ministry is SO MUCH FUN! We also called out a number of words of knowledge - for back problems, knee problems, throat problems and stomach pain (I'm not remembering all of them now). We had those people stand up and prayed corporately - no hands being laid upon people. When we then checked out what God had done, we discovered that some had already been healed (when the word of knowledge was initially spoken or...

scoliosis revealed & healed

During a church service, the Lord had given me a word of knowledge for a woman with a back problem in a specific area and it was scoliosis. We called it out and the woman was healed WITHOUT the laying on of hands. She had initially not said it was scoliosis, but when Desert Princess talked with her and prayed for her at the end of the service that is what she said it was - when the Lord reveals, the Lord heals!!

hindu man doesn't want to believe UNTIL he gets healed!

During a church service, where I had just preached about demonstrating the Gospel before we preach it, a hindu man named "shiva" (which is the name of the hindu god of destruction) came to me for prayer for a chronic back condition. I asked him if he was a hindu (the name was a bit of a give-away) and he said he was. I asked him if he wanted to follow Jesus. He said, "I want to be healed first, then I will believe". Somebody had been listening to my sermon!!!! Long story short - I prayed and he was completely healed. I was able to compare the difference between Jesus - the God who heals and restores vs. his namesake - "shiva" who is a destroyer. He didn't have very good English, but two Hindi-speakers were with us and I told them that they were now responsible for the "preaching" part. Somebody said, "if you don't believe me, BELIEVE ON ACCOUNT OF THE WORKS". Who was that again? Oh yeh, Jesus!