What we believe about the End Times will affect the way we live NOW
For many years, I called myself a "Panmillennialist" - I still hear people saying this. A funny way for us who didn't want to get caught up in End Times (Eschatology) debates and/or discussions of saying we think things will all work out somehow, or "pan out" in the End and it is a waste of time to worry too much about such a divisive field of theology. Why did I avoid Eschatology for so long? I think it was surely because I became a Christian in 1984 in an area where many churches were "obsessed" with the End Times. I still remember listening to cassette tapes by the most well-known pastor giving reasons why Christ will be returning in 1983 or 1985. Thankfully, soon thereafter he stopped with the date-setting. This, of course, was right after the 1970s when we saw the publication of The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Linsey and the 1972 movie A Thief in the Night. Th ere was a popular notion that the End was near, a pre-Tribulation Rapture of t...