releasing the Kingdom naturally "as you go"
For years, this blog has been about testimonies of God breaking into to the lives of the people we meet who get healed, who God speaks to through a prophetic word or something else supernatural. Just yesterday the Lord opened three doors to minister as we were working out at a gym and then eating dinner at a restaurant. The first was a woman with a wrist brace on. Just asking her what had happened, opened the door for my wife to pray. It was Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which we have seen on numerous occasions. The fact that we have seen it healed many times was shared and then she prayed. Nothing more was discussed, but the Kingdom coming in Christ’s Name was proclaimed. She wasn’t willing to take off the brace and check it out, but Desert Princess assured her that she would notice a change. The next place was a restaurant where we have prayed for many of the staff through the years. Our server was one of those women and...