
Showing posts from March 20, 2011

thinking about global events - do they mean anything?

with all that is happening around the world, the Middle East in the midst of the most dramatic political upheaval and change we've seen in 50 years, devastating earthquakes, a massive tsunami and people predicting even more to come, how should we be interpreting the days in which we live? are the days we are living in somehow unique in history? many Christians seem to believe they are. I've been watching and listening to a number of different Christian voices and it is truly perplexing to see what appears to be such contradictory perspectives. distinctive camps have already formed in terms of interpreting the significance of the recent political upheaval and natural disasters. what are these different camps and what are they saying? one camp is what I would call the apathetic camp. not apathetic toward the suffering of those affected by the natural disasters and revolutions, but just apathetic about these events indicating anything about the end of the age. I would venture...