
Showing posts from December 27, 2009

Egyptian muslim man touched after word of knowledge and healing prayer

Desert Princess wasn't going to get to have all the fun. I got a word of knowledge for a muslim Egyptian man. I got to pray for his arm and the Lord began removing his pain. Each time we prayed, the pain got less and less. Finally, there was only a little bit left. I asked him if he had any Christian friends. He did. So I requested he meet with them and tell them what the Lord had done for him.

words of knowledge opens door with Bedouin muslim women

while out today as a family with some friends, I got a word of knowledge about a sharp abdominal pain for a group of Gulf Arab Bedouin women (totally veiled - only eyes showing). I asked Desert Princess to go and check it out. Sure enough, it was an accurate word and it opened a huge door for ministry. Once they realized that she had real spiritual authority, they started asking her so many questions. They wanted to know how she heard from God, how to break curses, if God could heal depression, etc. Phone numbers were exchanged. A while later, she runs into the same group of women again and the discussion continues - at this point, they asked her more specific questions and she began to speak clearly about THE NAME OF JESUS - the power that is in HIM. Often it is at this revelation that muslims will object and/or become disinterested. Not these women! She is very excited to see what God will do as she follows up to minister healing, prophecy and deliverance to these desperate ...

Drive-by healing at the Airport

Its 2.15 am and we (praise and I) have just come back from a drive-by Holy Sprit healing service at the airport We were seeing my uncle off (this is one of those guys who believes that going to church is only for festive occasions) when we met up with Kage one of our fellow tribe's men in the Lord. Settling our selves for a coffee at Starbucks, when Kage gets a word of knowledge from God about a ache in a particular place in the head to which my uncle claims to have. Kage prays and my uncle claims healing. Some time later mystic sage gets a word from God for pain in the right knee on seeing that non of us at the table have the problem. We look to people on other tables. When we spot a man next to our table abdulla a native citizen (muslim of course) we ask him if he has a problem in his right knee to which he affirmed that he had a problem in his knee since 1964 we asked if we could pray for his healing in JESUS name he was surprised at our request but let us pray we prayed twice h...

God at work this morning

while at a worship service this morning, the Lord began to give me words of knowledge which I wrote down. I never know if I'm going to get the opportunity to call out the words in front of the Church or not. Today my wife and I went back in a side room to pray for people who needed prayer and one by one, people started coming up to me with the conditions that I had written down in my notebook. Left arm, neck, left shoulder and sinuses. At the end of the prayer time, the left arm had been touched, the sinuses healed and the neck and left shoulder were better - the final condition seemed to be linked to some other issues so we know that as the person deals with the other issues the breakthrough will be complete! can't wait to see what God is going to do tonight.

Syrian muslim man healed - wants prayer for his sick brother next

Today while were out to breakfast at a mall, we had the chance to pray for several people to be healed. We got a word of knowledge about a Filipino woman's knee and got to pray for her. She brought one of her colleagues for prayer - his back hurt. We prayed several times, including my son JD - and he told us the problem was gone. The Lord also gave me a word of knowledge for a Gulf Arab muslim man's neck - it wasn't hurting at the time, but he let me pray. While praying, what I was 'feeling' lifted and so I told him it wasn't going to be a problem any more. He is calling me tomorrow (because it bothers him at night) to let me know what the Lord has done! Finally, as we walked into a hobby shop and a strong word of knowledge comes to my neck (I guess it was the morning for necks). I asked the Syrian muslim man who worked there if he had that particular problem. He did. I told him that the Lord had 'revealed' that when we walked into the shop and t...

my daughter and I see muslim man get radically healed

tonight I went to an amusement park with my daughter. while we were there, a Sri Lankan muslim man told us he had bad knees. I thought it was a minor injury. I prayed a little while for him. then I asked him what happened. he told me he was hit by a car! He wasn't only in pain, his movement was severely limited. I prayed again and he tried to do a deep knee bend. he couldn't get up without using his arms on the handrails he was standing between. he kept trying and simply couldn't get up without some major assistance from his arms. I told him we'd be back in about 15 minutes. while we were gone, something began to rise up inside of me - this muslim man MUST see God's power. I also realized that the damage to his knees was far worse than the sports injuries that we usually pray for. he let us pray again when we returned. I asked him to do the deep knee bend again. As he did them, I kept praying. Then all of a sudden, strength enters his leg and he can do...