yet another "End Time" perspective
There are a couple of common "Eschatologies" (doctrine of the End Times) that most Christians are familiar with - one is known as "Futurism" (which would include Mike Bickle and IHOP, Calvary Chapel and the Left Behind Series) and another is called "Preterism" (which is being advocated now by Bethel Church in Redding, R.C. Sproul and C. Peter Wagner as well as many "Amillenialist" scholars). Futurism argues that the majority of the prophecies in Scripture will be fulfilled in the "future" (i.e. Daniel, Matthew 24 and Revelation). Preterism argues that most (if not all) of those same prophecies were fulfilled in the "past". A third position is called "Historicism" which may not be so well known. This position views those same prophecies as being fulfilled "throughout Christian history". Since this 3rd position (which was the dominate Protestant one at one point), is not well known, I have included before ...