Gulf Arab Muslim woman receives healing
Last week, I went to visit my Gulf Arab friend near the beginning of Ramadan. When I arrived, my friend told me that her mother wasn’t feeling well and that she was in the hospital the night before for a heart condition. Her mother came in shortly afterwards and told all that was going on with her health. She told me that the heart pain had left, but that there was a feeling of literal heaviness, like something was sitting on her chest. In the past, she has always let me pray for her health problems and so I asked if I could pray for her. She had told me that while she was traveling during the summer out of the country that her health was great. As soon as she got back, she started experiencing heart pain. I was thinking that the issue was probably a demonic one. She agreed to let me pray and I laid my hands on her. During prayer, I commanded the heaviness to leave and I could feel the peace of God flow into her. It was flowing out of me into her. Every time I pray for a Muslim ...