Fear Extinguishing in the Muslim World - too many stories this week to remember them all.
This has been an incredible week for us - ministering to many different people, many of them Muslims, some of them Hindus, and others from a Christian background. Many different nationalities - from Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Some of the encounters were in Arabic, most of them were in English and even one morning there was an encounter in Tamil and another in Hindi as I was with an Indian couple who had those languages. Even though it has been a great week of reaching out, let us not think a week like this should in any way be unusual. This is what normal Christians should always be doing - praying for people, getting words of knowledge and/or other prophetic words for people, seeing unbelievers getting healed, and hearing the Gospel. We prayed for back problems, leg and foot pain, a skin condition, headaches, a wrist problem, shoulder, and neck pain. There were other issues/conditions that I can't recall right now. Too many to remember is a good problem! In addition...