Kingdom comes amongst the poor and needy
One of the greatest parts about this Christmas was the opportunity we had on two occasions to distribute food to the poor as a family. So much is working against us at Christmas time to obscure the ‘reason for the season’ (i.e. that God GAVE us the gift of His Son). Giving to the poor is a violent act of Kingdom expansion. Each time we went, we expected God to manifest His Kingdom in some kind of miraculous way and we were not disappointed. A few days ago, a woman came to the food warehouse where we would distribute the food and clothing. She was so happy with all that she had received – the donations to the warehouse had been particularly generous that week. However, as she was about to leave the Lord gave me a word of knowledge about a problem in her left shoulder. She had that problem and it was painful at that very moment. We asked to pray, lay hands upon her and the King gave her one more gift for Christmas – a healed shoulder. All the pain was gone. I learned so much ju...