A Common MISUSE of the New Testament Gift of Prophecy
I've been listening to some interesting podcasts on modern cults. And almost without exception, the main way that most cults start is that their founder(s) claim to have a prophetic gifting and receive revelation - through dreams, visions, and even trances. The #1 problem always is that their revelation is "new" and the most common narrative is that NO ONE has ever had the insights they have as to the times in which they were living (or that we are now living in). They have "new insights" into the meaning of passages of Scripture that no one has ever had before - most notably insights into the meaning of passages in the Book of Revelation . Some of these cults depart so far from Historic Christianity that the vast majority of Christians are not fooled by their aberrant doctrines and deception. I think of the "New Heaven and New Earth Cult" and "The World Mission Society Church of God" as two perfect examples of NON-CHRISTIAN cults that have...