
Showing posts from January 24, 2010

and the power of the Lord was present to heal!

last night as a group of us were worshipping, I began to feel as strange sensation in my thumb and first two fingers on each hand. I sensed it was some kind of a healing anointing (I've sensed things in my hands before and know that such sensations aren't uncommon in healing). So I decided to test it out. I began to call people over who had pain of any kind. I would simply wait for the sensation to come and put my hands on the affected area of a person and people began to be healed. First a headache. Then a shoulder. Someone's side. Inflamed/painful tonsils. A neck. It was such a fun thing that the Lord was doing. More Lord!

God on the move on the streets!

last night a group of us headed out to see what God would do. We were NOT disappointed! two groups of us got to minister to many different people from different nationalities. Our team was also a very international group. as we were walking around, the Lord began giving our group words of knowledge - left knee. We ask a Nepali hindu security guard. The problem is his. We pray and he's healed. Also, I got a word for his neck. He had a problem there. The Lord began touching his neck during prayer - he said it felt "like fire". the absolute highlight of the night for me was as I was passing a bakery, I got a word of knowledge for a headache in the back of the head. There were 3 people working in the bakery - I introduced myself and asked who had the headache. The Syrian druze manager was God's target! We prayed once, and nothing happened. I said, "Impossible!". We prayed again and then all the pain left. The other two employees were Filipino Cath...