despising a false religion
we've all heard the expression - "hate the sin, but love the sinner". I think we must also be able to apply that to false religions. just this week a friend of ours who came to Christ out of Islam is being threatened with death. The "Law of Apostasy" in Islam requires that if someone abandons the religion of Islam and doesn't recant, they are to be killed. This isn't some "misinterpretation" or some marginal belief held by fringe groups of radicals (although they are the ones who often carry out the order). This is what Islam teaches. I've had dozens of muslims (including good friends) confirm that this is in fact the case. I can quote the accepted traditions and the Qu'ran if someone needs further evidence. this week we were faced with this situation. A Gulf Arab women who left Islam to follow Christ is being threatened BY HER FAMILY with death. Such a wicked thing! And to think that they believe that by doing so they are ...