a week full of healing
Last night our community gathered and the testimonies shared of the people healed this week past week went on and on. Our basic rule for testimony time is this – the testimony has to be something that took place during the week leading up to our weekly meeting AND that it needs to be miraculous/supernatural in character – a healing, accurate prophetic words or words of knowledge, dreams or visions, an exorcism, etc. In some places the testimonies will come from just a few people, but this is NOT the case here in the muslim country in which we are living. There are regularly as many as 10 different people sharing testimonies in a single meeting – and sometimes even more. It is just a thrill to see what God is doing and I am always encouraged to see how many, men and women, old and young, who are being used by God each week to demonstrate God's Kingdom to the lost every single week. As we have believed this is to be "the norm", it has become norma...