After a bit of a slow start to the evening, we found ourselves in an Arab restaurant, where we had seen some healings before. As I was getting out of my car to enter, I got a word of knowledge for someone needing healing in the middle of the back. When we asked, it was for one of the waiters who we had prayed for a couple of months before. The manager, a Syrian Muslim, came over and sat down complaining about pain in his right knee - I told him that I had gotten several words this week for right knees and was glad to finally find the person the word was for. I think Isaac of Ninevah also had a word for a right knee. We laid hands upon him and prayed - all the pain left the knee. While praying, I got a word about a problem in his neck on the right-hand side. He had pain there. We prayed again - result: no more pain. After receiving two healings himself, the manager exhorted his employee (an Egyptian Muslim who had the back problem) to come over for his healing. While we began to m...