
Showing posts from February 11, 2007

little children

My 4 year old and 6 year old had an awesome experience the other day when issacofnineva helped them hear from God. He hid some objects in his back yard. After some worship and Scripture memorization, he asked my kids to ask God what was hidden in the back yard. He gave them some paper and crayons and the kids got just about every object! It was very exciting for mom and dad to see the drawings. Go God!

5 yr old Muslim boy walks for the first time

Back in January, we took a team to a neighboring Muslim country to minister. Many of those testimonies were posted. One young couple, who were formerly Muslims and who are strategically discipling underground groups of other believers from Muslim backgrounds, brought the husband's father who had a damaged knee that the Lord healed. Also during that time, I prayed for the release of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives and prayed for impartation of what God has given to me/us. I just got word back that this young Christian couple has been out destroying the works of the devil. They prayed recently for a 5 year old Muslim boy who had never walked - crippled from birth. God came and the boy began to walk for the first time. I am so excited because the testimonies just keep coming in from this impoverished nation that is in bondage under the religion of Islam. May the Kingdom of Christ continue to break in and demonstrate who Jesus is in power!

AMAZING follow-up with Lebanese Druze man

Back in January, ("Reading the Mail" of a Lebanese Druze Man - January 15, 2007) the Lord led us clearly to a restaurant to minister to a Lebanese man. We prophesied over him, got words of knowledge and he experienced healing that night. We had some words for his family as well. A 'mysterious' woman began to call us about 10 days ago insisting we get together - finally yesterday my wife and I meet this Lebanese woman at a coffee shop and she shows up with the Lebanese man we ministered to about a month ago. The reason she came is because this man has been telling his family and friends about what happened to him the night we met him. We had prophesied over him that a very significant thing would happen within 3 days (a dream, an angelic visitation, important news, etc.) and that whoever the messenger would be would say these words first - "Do not fear". His mother calls him on the 3rd day from another country - she NEVER calls. He doesn't answer the...

The strongest word of knowledge in my life!

After a bit of a slow start to the evening, we found ourselves in an Arab restaurant, where we had seen some healings before. As I was getting out of my car to enter, I got a word of knowledge for someone needing healing in the middle of the back. When we asked, it was for one of the waiters who we had prayed for a couple of months before. The manager, a Syrian Muslim, came over and sat down complaining about pain in his right knee - I told him that I had gotten several words this week for right knees and was glad to finally find the person the word was for. I think Isaac of Ninevah also had a word for a right knee. We laid hands upon him and prayed - all the pain left the knee. While praying, I got a word about a problem in his neck on the right-hand side. He had pain there. We prayed again - result: no more pain. After receiving two healings himself, the manager exhorted his employee (an Egyptian Muslim who had the back problem) to come over for his healing. While we began to m...