
Showing posts from February 23, 2020

Fasting is a "means of grace"

Biblically, there are many reasons that people fasted. And one of those reasons was that fasting was believed to be a "means of grace", and grace (Gk. charis) is God's divine enablement. 
 One well-known Christian leader calls it, "the grace of fasting".  We of our own free will take on voluntary weakness with the expectation that we will be clothed in greater power. 
 Fasting has been misused, abused and misunderstood. But its misuse should not result in its disuse, which is exactly what has happened for most Evangelicals and Charismatics.   
 All sorts of "excuses" are given for why we don't fast - but Jesus said that when He left the planet that His disciples WOULD FAST (Matt 9:5).   
 The Church fasted in the Book of Acts (13:2-3 and 14:23) 
 The Church in the 2nd Century fasted (and the 3rd and the 4th). 
 But today, many who name the Name of Christ do not fast.  
 Jesus knew that fasting increased God's pow...