I'm seeing it from several sources already - NeverTrumper Christians and other Christians who are firmly within "the Babylonian System" virtual signalling about all the ways they "imagine" Christians who believe the incoming Trump Administration and MAGA mandate are going to neglect the poor, mistreat the LGBTQ+ community (yes, I literally saw that from someone criticizing our opposition to "Drag Queen Story Hour"), violate our Biblical mandate to welcome the "alien and stranger" (let's not mention about those who are violent, criminal, drug trafficking, terrorist, human trafficking ones!). They are convinced that somehow we are racist (and blind to it of course) who will take America back to the days of wicked racial discrimination and abusive policies. The list of accusations they are making our truly incredible! And that is ALL that it is. VIRTUE SIGNALING. They will do nothing themselves. But they will message endlessly about all of ...