Death to Self in a World of Self-Promotion
We are living in a day when many historic Christian emphases/teachings are almost entirely neglected and/or absent altogether. In an age of self-promotion, and numbers of followers on Social Media (with people obsessed with 'likes' and 'shares'), where is the Apostolic Christian emphasis that we need to be 'dying to ourselves' and focusing on humility? Recently in my preaching/teaching, I imagined things John the Baptist would have NEVER participated in. In short, I believe he would utterly reject the "cult of self" and self-promotion that characterizes so much of the ministry in the Body of Christ today. What was John's goal? His was his aim in ministry? Was it to establish a name, a ministry for himself? Absolutely NOT. In stark contrast to the 'platform building' efforts in today's Church, John's intention was TO BECOME LESS! He said it like this... John 3:30 – “He [Jesus] must become greater(increase), I must become less(decr...