channeling Gods healing power in my place of work
It fills me (Praise) with extreme joy when the Holy Sprit uses me to touch people at my workplace I look for any opportunity that He may lead me into…in fact me (and my husband) insure that it is a part of our daily pray points…that I be granted favor in my work place…for it is only thru His favor that I receive the opportunity to pray for my managers and collogue introducing them to the love of Jesus. A few days ago as I was meeting with one of the finance manager's (a hindu) I sensed a word of knowledge for pain in the left arm. I asked him if he had any pain in the said place… his reply was no. he did describe however that he had pain in his knees as a result of a accident he had recently and there was according to him possibility of a hairline facture …I prayed…Holy Sprit touched him…he felt better…we were interrupted by an call he had to make….he said that he an appointment with a doctor for an x ray….i will be following up with him ….. A little later as I was at the c...