Yemenis coming to Christ IN YEMEN
I have recently heard some of the most recent stories coming out of Yemen about the growing church there. It is so much different today than when we lived there briefly back in the 90's and even when we made several ministry trips in the early 2000s. Today Yemen is a war-torn nation where all of the missionaries had to leave several years ago. A small, struggling underground church existed when the Christian missionaries were forced to leave as Yemen descended into a cruel civil war. Tens of thousands have died, countless more have suffered, but in the midst of all of the chaos and evil, a move of God has begun that is nothing short of a miracle of miracles. I heard from several sources who are closely connected with what is happening in Yemen that today there are several thousand believers and that that number is growing. It is all Yemenis reaching Yemenis! The most conservative estimates are that there are 2...