
Showing posts from September 2, 2007

Prophecy, healings and an Earthquake in a Church service

This past weekend while ministering in a Youth service on a Sunday morning, God broke into our service in some familiar ways (healings, words of knowledge and prophecy) and at least one unfamiliar one (an earthquake while I was preaching). I called out a number of words of knowledge - one I got while standing next to the worship leader for pain in his lower back. He was healed when we prayed corporately. Others who responded to words of knowledge that were given (right foot pain, lower back pain, and other conditions) testified to pain leaving their bodies - although in some cases not all the pain had gone when I had to leave, but others remained praying till the breakthroughs were complete. Right while I was preaching, people began to interupt saying, "it's an earthquake, we are having an earthquake". Now I am quite aware that on a Sunday morning, there were probably countless other pastors and Bible teachers in Churches all throughout this area (where the earthquake ...

Man refuses prayer after a word of knowledge reveals his pain

While reading the morning newspaper in my local Starbucks (or "St. Arbucks" as Bill Johnson calls it!) I received a word of knowledge for the man sitting next to me. The Lord showed me he had a problem in his left leg. I approached him and asked if there was something wrong with his left leg. He confirmed that there was chronic pain in that leg caused from a motorcycle accident. I explained how I knew it (from the Lord) and asked if I could pray for him. I told him that God would take away the pain. To my surprise he replied, "I would rather you didn't". It is quite a rare for a person, especially in the West, to refuse prayer in a situation where God has revealed their condition, but they are always free to either receive or to reject what God wants to do.

Email confirms 2 recent healings

Last night I posted "Kingdom Encounters on the road - Day/Night #2" (9/3/07) a testimony about a young woman who was healed of her flat feet and of a pain in her neck. Today I received an email from her CONFIRMING the healings. Here is what what she wrote. Emailed Testimony: "Hey guys! This is M. from K. I met you guys at the confrence in ...This past weekend. D.J. got a word from the Lord about my neck and I was instantly healed. J. prayed for my flat feet. I was unable to point my toes without horrible cramping in the arches of my feet or walk without my ankles turning it. This is NO LONGER! Praise Jesus! I also have a cyst on my wrist that continues to shrink in size, daily. I am praying for you guys and hope I will run into you again sometime soon."

Celebrating 1 year of blogging!

As of yesterday, Joel 2 Generation has been online for 1 year!!! In one year, we have done our best to keep of record of as many miraculous works of God as we could. We had no idea He would do so much! May 2007/2008 - be a year of increase in every possible way!

Kingdom Encounters on the road – Day/Night #2

Even as we were still rejoicing for what God had done earlier in the day, we were gearing up for an evening of miraculous encounters. During one of the seminars before we began the evening meeting, the Lord gave me a word of knowledge for a woman about back pain in a particular region of her back. I prayed and she was healed. The most encouraging thing is that I was able to speak with this woman many hours later and there was no sign of the pain returning whatsoever. During the evening ministry time, we saw a number of incredible healings – most notable was probably the young woman who was healed of her flat feet. My friend who prayed for her actually saw a change in her arches while praying. After prayer, she removed her orthotic arch supports and testified that without them it felt like the supports were in her shoes. She was also healed of a whiplash injury after I gave her a word of knowledge about neck pain. In addition to a number of other physical healings that our minist...

Kingdom Encounters on the road – God invades Wal-Mart

To see God move in a “Christian meeting” is one thing, but for the Kingdom to come in power out in the marketplace is really exciting! We headed to a local Wal-Mart following the 1st night of the conference to see what God would do. A team of us were ministering, and I am not even aware of all the testimonies, but my team saw a number of miraculous things happen. The first woman we prayed for was touched and pain left her arm. A few minutes later, we see a woman walking with a cane. I asked her what had happened (she was quite young). She told me that she was told she needed a hip replacement surgery. I asked if we could pray and see what God would do – she agreed. After the 1st prayer, the pain had lessened considerably. We prayed a 2nd time and she testified that most of the pain in the hip was gone and she could walk comfortably. She was visibly shocked by what God had done. Next we approached a young teenage couple. After talking for a minute or two, the Lord gave me the ...

Kingdom Encounters on the road – Day/Night #1

Our ministry trip this past week was a constant stream of miraculous events – divine healings, prophetic words, encounters with God, encounters with God’s glory, etc. So much happened that it is hard to recall all that we saw God do. I will try to summarize. Even before we had the meetings, the Lord was giving words of knowledge and releasing healing. While in front of a shop, the Lord gave me the word “asthma” and so I approached a woman and her daughter to ask if one of them suffered from it. She did, we prayed and the Lord just opened up her sinuses – she said, “I am much, much better now”. As we were beginning to set up for the evening meeting, I walked to a nearby business and the Lord gave me a word of knowledge for a “headache” for the woman I was talking to. I asked if she had one, she did, we prayed and God took her headache away. The first night of revival meetings, we saw a number of powerful, accurate prophetic words spoken by the worship leader – I personally had inv...