
Showing posts from September 17, 2006

God on the Soccer Field

Last night I was playing soccer with 20 Arab Muslim men. About 5 minutes into the game, one of the players seriously hurt his ankle and was carried off the field. They put some ice on his foot/ankle and we finished the 1st half. I knew that God had me there on assignment. I went up, sat down next to the man and asked him to tell me where the pain was. After showing me, I took off the ice pack and put my hand on his ankle and began to ask the Holy Spirit to come and bring the Kingdom. I prayed for a minute or so and then asked him, "How is it"? He checked it out told me that the pain was definitely less. I continued to pray. I felt the presence of the Lord and told him that something was happening right at that time. After praying a second time, he was a bit surprised. He wondered what I had done. I hadn't asked him; I just sat down, took off the ice pack and put my hand on his foot. He wasn't 100%, but he got up and began to walk around. I came up next to hi...

What Means These Stones?

After crossing a river, a certain group of people were commanded to go back to the middle of the river and collect some stones to build a monument so when their children asked, "What means these stones?" (KJV), they would have the opportunity to testify about what God had done for them to the next generation. The "stone-layer" generation had a definite point of reference-- a definite encounter with the Holy-- that they could recount. There was content and memory in the answer to the question: "What means these stones?" In the third chapter of Galatians, Paul writes, "This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by the hearing of faith?" Later in the same chapter, he writes again, "Therefore, He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the Law or by the hearing of faith?" Acoording to Paul, the "stones from the river" for the Ga...


A couple of nights ago in an Arab restaurant, the Lord spoke to me through a word of knowledge that our waiter’s had a problem in his left knee, a Syrian Muslim named Muhammad. When I asked about it, he explained that he had suffered a condition in his entire left leg since he was young – I found out later he had an unstable knee/leg and a flat foot. He limped slightly. I tried to explain to this young Muslim man how the Lord revealed to me that he needed healing in his leg and that I was confident God was going to do something special if he allowed us to pray. God doesn’t give us words of knowledge unless He intends to do something. I also had to explain clearly that he didn’t have to pay any money. I needed to make that clear because in his religion there are also so-called ‘healers’. Interestingly, most (if not every) Islamic healers demand some ridiculous sum of money to pray for their ‘client’s’ healing and/or to try and deliver them from demons. I explained ...