I had a convicting thought (thoughts) as I was re-reading Philippians over the past few days. After my message last week on "Death to Self and Living a Life of Humility" LINK , I had to go back and edit the message (deleting stuff) and adding an Addendum at the end (about 12 minutes) explaining how I let the "sin in others become the sin in me" (to use use a well-known expression from Dan Mohler). While comparing and contrasting the lives of Kanye West and the Catholic nun Cabrini in an appropriate way I believe, I kept going and started naming some other names and being hyper-critical of other ministers and ministries. And it wasn't/isn't that the points I was making about these other ministries wasn't/isn't true. It was that I was NOT speaking about their errors/excesses in the right way. While criticizing their self-exaltation, I was doing so with an elite spirit (PRIDE), all during a sermon on the topic of dying to self and humility. Ugly stuff....