"Are you a man of God"? (Divine Appointment)
While walking past a man working in a hotel, the Holy Spirit highlighted him. I noticed he was NOT wearing his face mask properly and that made me happy! (I hate the useless masks). After getting my coffee at Starbucks, I came back to him and asked where he was from - he was from Cameroon. I knew the Lord had something for him and so I just asked directly, "How can I pray for you?" His eyes lit up and he asked if we could talk privately and took me back around a corner where we could be alone. He then asked me, "Are you a man of God"? I told him I was and asked what he needed. He explained that he needed 'healing' - he said he had high blood pressure and was taking medication. He was very young. So I was able to have a time of prayer with him for his healing. I don't know if I have ever prayed for someone who was more receptive - lots of "Thank you, Lord Jesus", "Yes, Holy Spirit", "I receive it" came out of his mouth. I...