Locked in a room with a naked demonized man...
On the recent trip that DJ has already written about, one day I accompanied three other brothers on a prearranged visit to a nearby village to pray for two demonized individuals. In the first home, we were led to a room where a young Muslim man was kept. When we entered the young man was very still, and looked very serious. Then he began to speak rapidly and agitatedly, but his speech made no sense. We asked him (by way of translation) if he wanted us to pray for his condition, and he understood us enough to say "yes". So one brother (JM) put his hands on the young man’s head and just began to wait on God to show him what the problem was; he received a word of knowledge that a spirit of insanity had entered the young man while he was yet a child, through a wound of rejection. JM then began to pray, commanding this spirit to leave the young man. At one point JM said “I feel something like a poison entering my hand and going up my arm”. Before this could be translated into the ...