
Showing posts from December 31, 2023

Unrighteous Judgment

After John 3:16, one could argue that the most widely known Bible verse might be, Matthew 7:1 - judge not lest you be judged.  This verse is especially well-known amongst those who are unbelievers and don't know what the Bible teaches.  Clearly what is known as 'unrighteous judgment' is condemned all throughout the Scriptures.  But on the other side, there are commandment to/for believers to judge. Yes, for those who don't know the Bible, you heard me rightly. Christians are actually commanded to judge. For example, Jesus Himself, who famously said "judge not", commands His followers:  " Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment .” (John 7:24) The Apostle Paul writes to the believers in Corinth,  that "the spiritual person  judges all things " (1 Cor. 2:12).  And probably the most instructive teaching is when Paul tells the Corinthian Christians that we are NOT to judge those outside the Church, but we are to judge those within ...

A WORD for 2024

As I've watched many prophetic voices posting their "Words" for 2024, I couldn't miss out on sharing what I've been hearing that needs to be shared on a platform like this...