
Showing posts from November 22, 2009

presence focused

believers focus on many different things - some of 'purpose driven' (as popularized by the book of the same title), some focus on a 'structure' (this has been a huge emphasis in the modern day 'Apostolic' movement, and still others are relationally focused (churches/movements based around 'small groups'). purpose is important, structure is important (however, God blesses many different structures, much to the surprise of those who believe they have God's 'ordained' structure:) and relationships are important. however, having all of those elements in place and NOT having His Presence would mean nothing! I believe that the priority of Scripture was that the Presence of God was there - and the other things were all secondary. Moses seemed to get this when he uttered, "UNLESS YOU GO WITH US". He wanted God's Presence and nothing else mattered. Nothing wrong with being "seeker sensitive", but if we are not first and fore...

young girl with unusual muscular condition showing improvment

we met a young girl who cannot walk normally due to a rare muscular condition where she lacks strength and coordination. We prayed one day and invited the mother to bring her to our meeting. Last week she came and we got to pray for the girl for a long time. We just got the report that she is able to do things that she couldn't do before - like walk up and down stairs without assistance! Needless to say, the mother is bringing her daughter back for more prayer!

"How did you know? I didn't tell anybody"! (famous last words before a healing)

last night as we met in our home with about 20-25 others, the Lord moved in a variety of ways. Some were taken into amazing visions which they shared for the edification of everyone, words of knowledge were given and people were healed, and God even began to release tangible signs of the His Presence and Glory. Isn't that what a normal gathering of Christians to worship should always look like? At one point, when I was calling out a word of knowledge for lower back pain, one of our new Lebanese visitors come up to me and asks, "How did you know? I didn't tell anybody"! I explained that God showed us and after a several prayed for him he was totally healed - all the pain left. He was so excited and can't wait until next week's meeting! One of the other healings that took place was for a teenager's ear - again there was a word of knowledge for it. At one point, there was even gold showing up on people's hands, and then on a couple of women there was ...

words of knowledge and prophetic ministry

in our class yesterday, we talked about how Gifts of the Holy Spirit can be released/activated through prophetic utterance - as Paul wrote that is was in Timothy's life. When we began to pray, it was beautiful to see many different people giving prophetic words and probably 15 people in total received ministry. I didn't get feedback on how the words impacted everyone, but some testified that the prophetic words were very accurate - some receiving 'exact phrases' that they had either prayed the night before, or that had been prophesied over them previously (confirmation). I gave a word of knowledge about a problem in the upper leg/buttocks - an Indian teenage girl responded and was healed. she was thrilled as she is an athlete and it affected her running. I got another word of knowledge for a wrist condition as one of the men in the class walked up to me - he had that problem and we the Lord healed his wrist! A couple of others also testified that they were healed -...

God's grace to a muslim family

as we are contending for God to raise a muslim woman from a coma (she's brain dead), the Lord is visiting the family. An angel visited her brother, I believe the Lord visited the woman's son - who also saw himself in a scene where he was being baptized! As we left the hospital tonight (after praying again for the mother), the Lord healed her brother of a neck condition AS WE WALKED to the exit.