
Showing posts from September 25, 2016

Bedouin muslim man asks me to pray & then the word of knowledge comes

Yesterday an usual thing happened.  A young Bedouin Gulf Arab came to my office and asked me if I could pray for his grandfather in a coma.  First of all, I have no idea how this man heard that I prayed for healing, but let’s just say AMEN!  Anyway, as he is telling me with literally tears in his eyes, saying, “I’m so afraid I’m going to lose him”, a distinct word of knowledge slammed into the left part of my neck.  I asked him - “Did your grandfather have a blood clot in the left side of his neck that caused him to fall into a coma”?  He said, “Yes”!  At that point, my faith level shot through the roof.  I wondered if we could go together and see his grandfather to pray.  He explained how far away he was and so I came up with another plan – when he is with him in the hospital, he will call me and I’ll pray for his grandfather while he lays his hands on him.  He agreed. ...

muslims getting touched in Jesus' Name!

This past week our community has had a number of exciting opportunities to pray for Muslims and God has answered. One young Gulf Arab muslim woman had back pain, and one of the women in our community met with her and prayed for her and almost all of the pain left.  When she told me there was still a little bit left, I said, “Don’t let my friend get away with!  You need to be PAIN-FREE”.  So she will get prayer again!  She’s already had prophetic dreams and God is drawing this young muslim woman to Himself. Another young muslim woman was sharing about her allergies and my wife found out that they began when her father died.  She had really battled with depression and even some suicidal thoughts at that time.  The Holy Spirit touched her powerfully when Desert Princess prayed with her and counseled with her over the phone (for nearly an hour).  The allergies are NOT completely healed, but I have asked her if we can...