Hyper-Grace vs. the ENTIRE New Testament
Over the past couple of months, I have surveyed all of Paul's letters in the New Testament (and the other books other than the Gospels) and have found the following things to be true which the "Hyper Grace" teachers are not saying. My contention is that these teachers are very "selective" and cherry- pick verses (otherwise called “proof-texting”) from Paul's Epistles that support their "novel" concept of Grace and neglect dozens of other Scriptures that bring balance to the precious New Testament doctrine of grace. In other words, what you are about to read IS "The Grace Message" by the TRUE "Grace Teachers" (i.e. the Apostle Paul, the Apostle Peter, the Apostle James, the Apostle John). I would agree with both Mike Bickle and with Dr. Michael Brown that the error of these so-called "Grace Teachers" is they have taken a truth to an extreme. They have had to do some serious hermeneutical gymnastics to explain...