
Showing posts from August 28, 2016

Extreme Sports Athletes and the Gospel

Why do I seem to be learning more about the nature of the Gospel and God’s Kingdom from secular extreme sports athletes than I am from other Christians these days?  As I hear their stories and consider their accomplishments, I am inspired by a level of commitment, a single-minded focus and a fearlessness that almost seems to be speaking “prophetically” to me about what total devotion looks like. In a day when it seems that the exodus from the Church is unprecedented, I wonder if maybe “the Church” that so many are walking away from hasn’t been honest with them about the faith they are abandoning.  I watch as many of the children of dear friends of ours are choosing the world over and against the Kingdom.  In response, all-too-often the church seems to water down its message, require less and the migration out of the church only seems to speed up. I wonder if we’ve gotten it ALL WRONG!  I think that a generation of young people have NEVER seen nor heard t...