A Night For Backs
A week ago Friday night the leader spoke about understanding some views on healing, and how we can see healing in ourselves, and others. At the end of his presentation he asked all those who were unwell in one form or another to sit in specific places and then all the others present were to go to each person and pray for them, for healing and also for prophetic words. At least 3 people present were having problems with their backs, and none of these 3 have chronic back conditions. Desert Princess’s back was healed (and she reports no more pain to date), a guest received healing for pain in the back, across the shoulders and in her knees (as of today – 4 days later – she reports cont inued health in all of the areas, being able to climb stairs without support, which previously was not possible), and received healing for lower back pain that had begun 3 days previously. After I was prayed for, we went to a bedroom to “check it out”, as I hadn’t been able to turn over from one side ...