It Takes a Kingdom

One of the biggest blocks to the widespread release of power in the church is the lack of a widespread release of power in the church. Before dismissing this statement as a meaningless tautology, wait. Until the people of God realize they are the "you" of the New Testament, the power seen in the New Testament (and beyond) will, in my opinion, be unmatched. Lots of people want to receive healing and even a gift of healing, but how many people actually give it away? It is the laity/clergy dichotomy that has hindered even the free-est of churches throughout time. In these last days it will be imperative for the lowliest of church members to walk in apostolic power. We are training an army and we better get started now.

These thoughts have been wandering around my head for a long time but have been brought to the forefront after a teaching/training session we had last week. In this meeting, I saw 10 year olds getting prophetic words and physical words of knowledge for healing-- with accuracy. I saw adults praying for each other and later heard testimonies of the healings that had occured. Praying for healing isn't mysterious and magical; it's simply asking God to come and heal. According to the Gospels, He doesn't normally do miracles without an invitation, so we provide Him with one: prayer.

If this still seems a little vague, let me describe what we did.
1) Had a teaching session on how understanding divine healing is intimately linked with one's worldview.
2) After some discussion, we then presented a model for healing which goes something like this:
1. Ask the person their problem and then ask them how long they have had their illness/pain. Be in touch with the Spirit about discerning possible demonic influences, unforgiveness, etc.
2. Pray and invite the Holy Spirit to come and heal the person.
3. Interview the person again and see if he/she felt anything and ask them to check out their condition by doing something he/she couldn't do before.
4. If still no healing, continue praying and interviewing and bring in some more people to help.
Throughout this process, be open to a prophetic word for the person; God ministers holistically.
3) We, then, asked the people in the room if anyone had some pain and/or illness. There were several so we divided them into different parts of the room and had everyone else take a shot at using the model on each person. That way everyone who was ill or had pain got prayed for numerous times enough to experience the model and everyone else got to use the model enough to remember it as well.
There you go, nuts and bolts.

Almost everyone in the enitre room witnessed a miracle first-hand.

For the teaching notes from that night's session, check out my webpage at:
