Healing in Kashmiri Tea Shop

I asked if the owner needed a miracle in his body and he said he had pain in his stomach (seemed like a problem with an internal organ). He let me pray for him and the pain decreased slightly (he said 10%). I prayed again and we got a 20% improvement (not very encouraging). While I was praying, I got a word of knowledge for his lower back, and he had a problem. I prayed and the pain left completely - praise God. I also got a word of knowledge for an older Kashmiri man (right-hand side of the neck). He told me that he would like prayer so that the problem would go away and yet he didn’t give me a chance.

I of course wasn’t satisfied with 20% improvement, and so I told him that maybe the Lord would give one of us a dream tonight to reveal more of what is the problem. I went back twice to see him, but wasn't able to reconnect before leaving the city.
