
Showing posts from January 30, 2022

When God uses fearless Canadian Truckers because His Church's leaders are cowards

Immediate Disclaimer - for all pastors and churches that did not shut down during COVID, and for leaders who have spoken with clarity against the unlawful mandates, against the toxic "vaccines" that have already caused countless global injuries and deaths, this post is NOT for you . You are my heroes. You have been walking in TRUTH and doing what Jesus wanted/wants His Church to be doing. This post is for the cowards who wouldn't speak up. Who didn't do their homework when they began to hear about how unsafe ALL the shots were/have been/are/will be! Who have ignored the fact that EVERY SINGLE so-called vaccine used aborted fetal cells either in their development or their testing - yes, ALL OF THEM! You need to repent. You need to admit that you were deceived. For whatever reason, you failed to speak with prophetic clarity as to the hour we have been in/are in - and you have tragically led many others astray - either directly or due to your silence. Your unwillingness ...