
Showing posts from September 17, 2017

Why Calvinism HAS TO BE wrong

According to God's Word, Calvinism HAS TO BE wrong! We simply DO NOT see the concept of God that Calvin advocated in the life of Jesus.  And what we "see" in the life of Jesus is exactly what God wants us to know about His essential nature and His attributes. Jesus  is "the image of the invisible God" in whom all the fullness of God dwells (v. 19) - Colossians 1:15, 19) Jesus is "the exact imprint of His [God the Father's] nature" (ESV) or "exact representation" (NASB) - Hebrews 1:3 And Jesus said, "if you have seen me, you've seen the Father" (John 14:9) So what did Jesus reveal about the nature of God?  What kind of God do His life and ministry reveal?  The God of Augustine/Calvin is essentially all-powerful and that power is expressed through His meticulous control of absolutely everything or a God of love who is also all-powerful, but whose power is expressed OUT OF and as an expression of His ete...