
Showing posts from August 16, 2020

"The MEET is in the Street"

An old Vineyard adage about Power Evangelism was "The MEAT is in the Street".  I don't know who came up with it, nor how widely it was believed or practiced,  but my experience for many years was/is that it is true.  God often does more OUTSIDE of the four walls of the Church than what happens inside.  I have been praying for the sick 'on the streets' intentionally for the past 20 years.  And I have seen again and again that the MEAT of the Kingdom, so to speak, has been truly amongst the lost in every conceivable context and location, all around the world.   The Lord has interesting ways that He speaks to His kids. He will use the familiar in our lives to speak and lead us.  And that is exactly what He did in my life with regards to how the Church would be able to meet in light of global restrictions being put upon it. Full disclosure; I live in a part of the world where, in some of the countries, believers are not allowed to gather in Church bui...

Grace in the Gathering (IN PERSON) - a time for radical obedience...for such a time as this!

It has been time for Christians to be gathering IN PERSON.  And by so doing, believers are accessing God's grace in a unique way.  In short, there is grace in the gathering!  I literally heard the Lord say that back in May or early June. Many Christians at that time were living in their virtual "Zoom Worlds" and yet the Lord was clearly saying, "It is time for those who are online, to get OFFLINE". It was time to be gathering, back in May/June.  It didn't matter where or how. It wasn't about a big meeting vs. a small meeting.  It was simply the fact that Christians needed to be meeting together in person.  Whether to walk together, to sit together...the Lord gave us many creative ways to be meeting in spite of all the legal restrictions that had been put upon us.  If the Lord was emphasizing gathering in person back in May/June, how much more is it that time in August?!?  The isolation has been devasting for many believers.  In all honesty, w...