
Showing posts from July 25, 2010

ministering to Persian muslims

tonight while in a store, Desert Princess and I approached a Persian woman who we sensed needed prayer. her family joined her and we proceeded to pray with several physical conditions they wanted us to pray for. one asked me, "what do I need prayer for"? Immediately a couple of words of knowledge came - something in her head and another in her wrist. Both of these were conditions she had we my wife prayed for her. Another Muslim woman friend of theirs came up - they asked her to let us pray for her. Two of the women began to feel God's presence as we prayed. While talking to them, I said that they were far more open to receiving prayer than many of the people from our own country who no longer really believe in the supernatural and are far more resistant to being prayed for. Pray for the muslims that you meet. You'll be surprised how open they are!

many healings as the Lord reveals conditions

tonight during worship a flow of strong words of knowledge came - right shoulder, left ankle, left wrist, neck pain - even the Lord showed me specific conditions for two people - and He healed all of these conditions. there were two right shoulders (possibly 3) completely healed. two left wrists, the left ankle, the neck pain. One man's left elbow was healed after another word of knowledge. these were the healings we got to hear about! I know there were a number of others. it seemed another level of faith was released and we got to pray for a number of other conditions that people needed prayer for. It was just way too much fun!!!!

getting tires fixed when the Kingdom comes

today while getting my friend's car tires fixed, a word of knowledge came for a back problem. i thought it was for the Iranian muslim man who was working there, but in fact it turned out to be for a female customer. she asked, "are you a healer or something?" she let me pray for her and the Spirit came upon her back and she could feel God touching her. we invited her to Church.

releasing the Kingdom at the beach again

a group of us spent a few hours releasing the Kingdom - prophetic words, healings and sharing with people about Christ. we got to pray for several people in casts. one of the saddest things was to run into "unbelieving believers" (Christians that really don't believe in nor expect healing). These are a much tougher group to minister to and see breakthrough with than with unbelievers. When people believe that God "can" heal but that He isn't "willing" to, it is very difficult to see healing. on one occasion I got a word about a right wrist condition. a group of Armenians had allowed us to sit down. one guy had the condition, but didn't believe that God was willing to heal him. we prayed several times and it did seem that in this case his faith was a major hinderance. another guy had a cast and we prayed. I sensed something happening and he said that he could feel like "tingling" in his broken foot. we don't know what happ...