
Showing posts from July 10, 2022

"Hyper-Grace" FALLACIES - Philippians 3:12

We've dealt with "Hyper-Grace" teachers and teaching before in this blog. But this false teaching continues to be prevalent within the Body of Christ.  Hyper-Grace teaching can only be supported by 'cherry picking' verses out of the NT and then doing some heterodox exegesis of other passages (i.e. 1 John 1:8). NO ONE would ever come to the conclusions of Hyper-Grace teachers if they read through ALL of the New Testament, considering the "whole counsel" of the Apostolic deposit. And you won't find a single Christian theologian, apologist, or leader in the early centuries of the church that would support the conclusions of the modern Hyper-Grace teachers. NOT ONE! That alone should disturb any of these teachers who somehow believe they have unlocked the original Apostolic teaching that somehow got lost for nearly 2000 years! Today the Lord highlighted Philippians 3:12 again to me and the Apostle Paul completely dismantles the Hyper-Grace teachers in a ...

"It is Time to Zoom from the Zoom" - What the Lord said in 2020 during COVID (and is still saying in 2022 BTW)

I am all for the best use of technology. And clearly, during Covid, the online 'Zoom Meeting' became the way much of the world was forced to function for a time. I was teaching at a university at the time and we were entirely online using Zoom for classes and faculty meetings for over a year.  Most churches also shifted all of their gatherings to virtual ones using Zoom (or a similar type of online platform).  But our church NEVER met virtually on Zoom - we met in person. Even when it was illegal to do so. We gathered - for a couple of weeks, we even gathered in small groups of 3-4 in our cars (we called it, "Church on Wheels"). After a couple of weeks of that, we shifted into meeting in houses, in person, and NEVER looked back after that. There were a few weeks when the entire country wasn't allowed to leave their homes with a strict curfew in place and because there was no other way, during those weeks we did meet virtually.   And as far as we know, we were the ...