
Showing posts from July 30, 2023

MORE on the Misuse/Abuse of the New Testament Gift of Prophecy - Seventh-Day Adventism

As I've continued to teach on the New Testament Gift of Prophecy, the issue of modern abuses/misuses of this gift has been an emphasis. And let me be clear, MANY CHARISMATIC Christians have abused/misused this gift, and continue to do so right now . In this blog post, we will show exactly how a well-known church, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church (SDA), provides a stellar example of how the gift of prophecy was horribly misused. That being said, many modern SDAs have seemingly moved away from the authority of Ellen G. White's prophecies and I applaud those that have done so. May they also question the doctrinal "novelties" that were introduced by her so-called prophetic revelations! Note: I believe the prophetic gifts to be ongoing gifts of the Holy Spirit that did not CEASE as Cessationists contend. We see ALL of the revelatory, prophetic gifts in operation in the late first century, the 2nd century, and into the 3rd and 4th centuries. The argument that once we had t...