
Showing posts from January 9, 2011

one more mall encounter

while out with my daughter and her friend the other morning, I got a word of knowledge for a right knee problem for a muslim employee in the shop we were in. he let me pray for it. he wasn't really willing to test it out, but God revealed it and I believe "what God reveals, God heals".

another mall miracle

so as I said in the last post, we were headed off to another Middle Eastern mall. A remarkable healing took place in one of the shops. A Filipino man had what appeared to be a broken right hand. He had punched a wall. It was swollen and he could barely move it. He was in a lot of pain. I took it in my hand and released the Kingdom. After about a 30 second prayer, I let it go and he began to test it out. He was able to move it and ALL THE PAIN WAS GONE. We were all rejoicing. Then he asks me "are you a pastor"?

another Kingdom "run" through a Middle Eastern mall

I guess when you live in the Middle East "malls" and "miracles" go together. Our first stop the other day was a hotel next to the mall we were at. Great White North and I were following up on a young muslim woman who came to Christ last spring after encountering God's Kingdom in powerful ways. She no longer worked at the hotel, but I got a word of knowledge for a back problem that one of the Egyptian muslim employees had the problem and let me pray for him. The power of the Holy Spirit began to touch his back. He said it felt hot and remained hot. He told me he'd call me when the heat subsided and tell me what happened. Next we ministered to a Filipino man in our favorite donut shop (no, we didn't buy any this time). He is scheduled for eye surgery and let us pray for him. We had prayed for him before but obviously that hadn't been effective. This time he said he felt cold in his eyes. After about 45 minutes, we came back and prayed again (th...

releasing the Kingdom in a Middle Eastern mall

last night Celtic Lion and I went to a mall to hang out and see what God would do as we made ourselves available. It has been a crazy 2011 as I have seen a radical increase in the frequency of "words of knowledge" (1 Cor 12:8) for people. It just seems that God is releasing them much more. last night was no different. as we walked in the mall, I decided to pay my phone bill and while in line, I got a word of knowledge for a neck problem. there were 2 clerks working and the first one didn't have the problem. the second, an Arab muslim woman, did have the problem. She was busy at that time, but we came back and got to pray for her. I had her lay her hands on her neck and we prayed for her two times. Most of the pain left. She asked, "How did you do that"? Desert Princess is going to follow her up. right after leaving the phone place, as we are passing a woman's clothing store, I get another word of knowledge for a problem in the right hand. I walked...

the problem of evil (some reflections)

today I listened to a leading Reformed theologian (Augustinian/Calvinist) attempt to shed light on the philosophical "problem of evil". it was actually a very disappointing message as he gave no response/answer at all. He just admitted it was a problem and no Christian had ever successfully given a satisfying response to the issue. Really? Did this theologian not read C.S. Lewis' The Problem of Pain? Of course he had, but he wouldn't want to admit that a non-Reformed Christian thinker might have something valuable to say on the issue. A more recent effort would be Is God to Blame? by Greg Boyd (a simplified version of his scholarly Satan and the Problem of Evil). Again, Boyd isn't Reformed, therefore not mentioned. How about the early Christian apologists (2nd and 3rd Century). He didn't mention them either - and yet, a number of them gave a response to why there was evil in the world, even though God is all-powerful and all-loving. You see the so-...