last night Celtic Lion and I went to a mall to hang out and see what God would do as we made ourselves available. It has been a crazy 2011 as I have seen a radical increase in the frequency of "words of knowledge" (1 Cor 12:8) for people. It just seems that God is releasing them much more. last night was no different. as we walked in the mall, I decided to pay my phone bill and while in line, I got a word of knowledge for a neck problem. there were 2 clerks working and the first one didn't have the problem. the second, an Arab muslim woman, did have the problem. She was busy at that time, but we came back and got to pray for her. I had her lay her hands on her neck and we prayed for her two times. Most of the pain left. She asked, "How did you do that"? Desert Princess is going to follow her up. right after leaving the phone place, as we are passing a woman's clothing store, I get another word of knowledge for a problem in the right hand. I walked...