
Showing posts from June 24, 2007

Jesus Does It Again!

Yesterday afternoon, Sojourner, Hedassah and I all went to minister to an African congregation. We all got the chance to pray for people and I gave a message with translation. I will let the others post their own stories, but I would like to point out what an honor it was to have them with me. After hearing the word of knowledge, one man came up for prayer. I prayed for him and then asked how it was. He said that it still hurt. Nothing like a little honesty. So, I prayed again and this time as I was praying, I saw a picture of a hammer. I asked him if that meant anything to him, and he said he used to be a carpenter. I, then, prayed again and ALL the pain left. He was really happy since he had had the pain for about 6 months. I believe that the prophetic word released the faith for the healing. I also prayed for another man who came forward for impartation, but it turned out he had a condition that I had mentioned in my word of knowledge list. We prayed for his hand and he s...

Dunamis power released - we FELT it!

We approached a woman sitting in an alley with her children. We asked if she needed healing in her body and she said "no". We asked if we could just pray for her and bless her - she agreed and while we were praying, I got an unusual word of knowledge where something was 'creaking' as we prayed for her - I physically felt something in my hands. I asked the Lord, "what does that mean"? He said, "it is a joint problem". I asked her and she said she did have pain in her knee. She didn't say which one. We began to pray for her knees (with our hands on each of them) and I began to feel power going into her left knee (from my right hand). I took my hand off the other knee and asked, "what is going in your left knee because I am feeling something major happening"? She said, "all the pain has gone"!! God's power came and she was healed. What was priceless was the absolutely shocked look on her face - like she was lookin...

She wanted to "see the light"

I approached a group of men doing construction on a house and asked if anyone needed a miracle of healing. They all politely declined the offer (I knew they must have been lying). I got a word of knowledge while talking to them for pain in the back of the head, which they also said they did not have. However, a woman had come out of her house to see what was going on and it was to her that we turned our attention. We learned that this woman had woken up that day and gone out of her apartment 3 times to "see the light". I guess she lived in a rather dark, downstairs apartment, but something kept compelling her to go outside to "see the light". It was when she heard us offering healing to the men working upstairs that she decided that we must be "the light" she wanted to see and came outside to see if she could have a miracle. She had cataracts on her eyes and we prayed for them several times and she said there was considerable improvement in her eyesig...

Glory falls on "Glory"

Today while on the streets, we met a woman named "Gloria"(Glory). We asked her if she needed any healing in her body and she said she had pain in her ovaries. We laid hands on her and prayed for God to take the pain away. By the time we ended, all the pain in that area was gone. While praying the Lord gave me a word of knowledge for her left shoulder. We had also gotten that word earlier and had it written down on our 'word list'. We prayed for that and all the pain left. Truly Gloria had God's glory on her today as we left her rejoicing.

God Again Touches His People

Last night, Sojourner and I went to minister to a multinational congregration. Sojourner gave an awesome meditation on the two trees in the Garden of Eden. Afterwards, we were able to pray for some of the sick-- according to the word of knowledge and some without. We saw two arms and one shoulder all freed from pain. It's not that dramatic unless you're the person who has had a pain in the shoulder. We also had a chance to pray and prophesy over another brother who is really on fire for Jesus. It was awesome afterwards as he related to me how many of the things he had been praying for I had repeated word for word in my prayer. As it turns out, one member of the audience was a brother from Africa who had seen dead people come back to life after he had prayed for them. Before leaving, I saw this brother embracing Sojourner and praying his heart out and prophesying over him. We went to give and ended up receiving even more than we expected. Tomorrow we head to another Af...

Kingdom encounters 'on the road'

We have been traveling and I have been asking the Lord to speak and give us opportunities to prophesy and pray for the sick. My wife, Desert Princess, has been moving powerfully in the word of knowledge for healing. She received several clear words in a meeting she was hosting and saw several physical healings. I on the other hand have been misfiring quite a bit in the past 10 days with the word of knowledge - I have approached a number of people with words I thought I had received and haven't been having too much success - humility lessons is what I call it!! I will keep swinging until I start getting hits again. At a wedding I was at this past week, I did get a word for a chest problem that a man sitting at my table had and he was healed after prayer!! Also, while having a prayer walk on the beach I saw a man fishing. I asked the Lord if there was something He wanted to say to the man and the Lord said to me, "He is a singer". I approached him and asked him if he was a ...