Dunamis power released - we FELT it!

We approached a woman sitting in an alley with her children. We asked if she needed healing in her body and she said "no". We asked if we could just pray for her and bless her - she agreed and while we were praying, I got an unusual word of knowledge where something was 'creaking' as we prayed for her - I physically felt something in my hands. I asked the Lord, "what does that mean"? He said, "it is a joint problem". I asked her and she said she did have pain in her knee. She didn't say which one. We began to pray for her knees (with our hands on each of them) and I began to feel power going into her left knee (from my right hand). I took my hand off the other knee and asked, "what is going in your left knee because I am feeling something major happening"? She said, "all the pain has gone"!! God's power came and she was healed.

What was priceless was the absolutely shocked look on her face - like she was looking at ghosts or something. We explained it was God's Holy Spirit. Afterwards, one of the other guys who was with me also said that he felt that power and he didn't even have his hands on her knee.

Of all the healings we saw today, this was by far the one that we felt God's power in the most. It surely doesn't have to be this way to see healings, and most often we feel nothing, but when we do feel His power and presence it is so awesome!!!
