the Lord speaks clearly amongst a group of muslim men - He even reveals a person's name!
A few nights ago, Isaac of Ninevah, Tenacious B and I headed out together and met a group of Syrian muslim men who worked downtown. As Isaac pointed out in his blog post, we saw the Lord speak prophetically very clearly over a number of their lives. We were able to demonstrate the difference between the way God the Father speaks and heals, and the way their islamic seers and healers operate. They had quite a bit of exposure to these types of people. Sometimes the so-called 'prophetic words' that their islamic mystics will give are accurate but don't instill hope and produce faith. The vast majority of the time muslims have to pay these people for their 'supernatural services'. In sharp contrast, we explained that since God gives us His gifts freely, we use them freely. We also prophesied hope, potential and God's purposes and future ministry plans over these men. I saw one of these men had been a noted athlete in his youth, which he confirmed. I told him...