Your Young Men Will See Visions (part 6)

The next morning, we got up, ate breakfast, and headed for an ancient Christian holy site. When we got there, I got a word for a right ankle so I asked the policeman sitting on the bench if it was his. It wasn’t. So, we got our tickets and went down to the little worship room set up in this place. As I was sitting there, I saw an angel to the right of the altar, just standing there. DJ and I had come to this place in hopes of receiving an impartation. The angel told me that he didn’t see too many people come for that reason. He also told me that the Lord had used this saint (we were in his house) because he had a good sense of humor. All three of us tried to feel something were I saw this angel. It was neat to see the excitement on our host’s face when I told him that there was an angel in the corner. We, then, went back up to the little store and DJ got a word for the guy there for his neck and, as it turned out, he also had a bad, right ankle.

Our next stop was a mystic’s house nearby. DJ had heard of this lady through a friend and we wanted to meet her because she had seen some miracles as well as receiving the stigmata. So, we found her house on the internet and walked to the address. We were warmly welcomed and she prayed for us and anointed us with supernatural oil that had manifested in her house. Her home was filled with light and peace—so much so that even our Muslim host noticed it and wanted to go back the next day.
