Downtown Shooba (what else can I say?)

I didn't know how much of what we saw in the other country would transfer back home, but it seems like we received an increase of some kind. Last night, we were downtown and got into a conversation with some guys. It quickly became a supernatural conversation. I prophesied to one guy that he was a great secret keeper and that he liked esoteric things most people didn't like. He nodded in agreement. For another man, I told him that he carried a healing gift and that people recovered from illnesses after a couple of days after he had been near them. He also confirmed that this was true. For one of the other guys with us, I told him that he had a teacher in his family and that he too had a teaching gift of some sort. He told us that his relative was an Islamic preacher. I also told another that he had a heart for justice, which was on as well. As we're talking, another older man comes up and the guys testify about what just happened. He turns to me and says, "Well, tell me something about me." At first, I said, "It doesn't work like that." But upon reflection, maybe it does. I don't know. I prayed for something for him and got that he had a family connection to royalty and that he was a leader among his friends. He confirmed both. Lastly, I got the impression that one of the guys had a prophetic gifting of some kind-- I said that he got impressions, but it turns out dude was a full-blown seer! We also spent a lot of time deciphering some of their dreams and praying a little for healing. All in all, it was a great night-- I'll leave the rest of the stuff for Tenacious B. and DJ to blog, but one of the great things about last night was the accuracy we were experiencing. It was probably the highest with the most number of people I've see outside of a church meeting. It's incredible what the Lord is up to these days with Muslims. My categories are getting blown out of the water.
