Warring Eschatologies
At no time since the 1970s has "The End is Near" theological camp been so energized. Advocates of this viewpoint, especially the particular one that advocates a Pre-Tribulation Rapture (a subcategory of the Premillennial/Futurist viewpoint), have been filling up their conferences in recent months. Podcasts, YouTube videos, and many articles are appearing as they are producing lots of content. And many Christians are being influenced. Their books are flying off the shelves and I'm sure a lot of money is being made! The current Russian/Ukraine conflict has them talking a lot about the Gog Magog War mentioned in the Book of Revelation which prompted the Jerusalem Post to post an article at the beginning of March entitled, "Has Biblical Gog and Magog War Begun?" (Source: https://www.jpost.com/christianworld/article-699085). This particular viewpoint believed that the prophecies of Scripture were to be fulfilled at some point in the future (why it is called Futurist)...