What version of the Bible are you using? Check Deuteronomy 32:43

Deuteronomy 32:43 is now my "go to" verse to see if a Bible translation reflects the original text of the Bible. And why is the "original text" important? Because it is the original text, known as the vorlage or autographic text written by the Biblical author that is what God has inspired as His Word. He didn't inspire later copies, manuscripts, although we can know through the science of textual criticism with near certainty what the original, inspired text of Scripture is today. What do we find in Deuteronomy 32:43? Full disclosure - from the time I came to Christ in the 1980's I was told that there is no translation as good as the New American Standard (NASB) - the most literal, based on the oldest and best possible manuscripts. Some of what I was told was true, but as you will see in this blog post, some of what I was told is NOT true. And yes, I am aware of the King James ONLY (KJV) crowd and their arguments against many of the other modern translatio...